Bye Master Chris, Hello Will
Hello all you Doms and subs! I left off my previous post with saying that my third session with Master Chris would be my final one. I also told you that there had been another man I had been talking to from the day that I first met Master Chris in person. This changed everything for me, but in the beginning I did not know it.
I will call this man Will. Like me, Will was just coming out of a marriage that had been over for a long time before he officially ended it. We bonded over the fact that both of our exes made life quite difficult for us in the end, and we ended up being each other’s “rocks” in our relationship. I think, looking back though, it also caused a lot of stress between us too.
From day one, Will and I just clicked. I loved his personality, his sense of humour, his kindness and his intelligence. He had never officially been a Dom before but he was naturally dominant. I, of course, loved that about him too.
I couldn’t help but be drawn to him through our talks. We chatted by text as well as over the phone. He lived out of the city so unfortunately it was a long-distance type of scenario, however, it was doable as it wasn’t overly far.
We talked for a fair amount before ever meeting in person. The day I first met him, he came to my place. I knew by then that I could trust him so I was completely comfortable with that.
I was nervous to meet him. The first meet is always the scariest for me with anyone, but with him, I really hoped our chemistry on the phone and by text matched our physical chemistry.
I met him as he walked up my driveway and gave him a hug. Once we got in my place, I had to change out of my work clothes (he got there a bit early so I hadn’t had time to do so yet), so I went and did that and came back out. We sat on the couch, exchanged a few words and then he just lunged at me, kissing me with a fierce intention.
It shocked me but in a very good way. Wow. Before I knew it, my clothes were coming off and…well…we will just say sexual things were happening. We did not have actual sex that day though. But it was hot, to say the least.
He later on told me that it took everything in him not to come into my room while I was changing when he first got there. I simply told him “You should have”.
Things really shifted for me that day. I did like things with Master Chris, but things with Will were better in the sense that I really clicked with him on every level just in general, but also physically.
With Master Chris, it was strictly a Dom/sub thing, whereas with Will, it was more. But yet, I still didn’t want a serious relationship. It was a very confusing time for me for sure.
So, I kept up with both of them for a bit longer. Will’s feelings for me grew stronger, as did mine for him. He wanted more. He wanted to be with me, and only me, and he wanted the same in return.
Partially because of the stress I was going through with my ex, and partially because I wanted to be on my own for awhile (a.k.a. not jump into a serious relationship), I told him I couldn’t.
There was one day where I met him out of town where he lived and he told me it was too hard for him to not completely be with me, and he couldn’t do it anymore. I told him I understood and we both said a very sad goodbye and then I drove away towards the city. I remember the further away from him I got, the sadder I was. I didn’t want to let him go at all.
It was such a battle for me because I couldn’t let him go but I knew I wasn’t ready to be in a relationship either. My heart wanted him but my head knew it wasn’t the right time.
My heart won the battle. It seems to always go that way, doesn’t it? The heart always seems to win.
So, I told Master Chris that I had to say goodbye to him. He was really good about it, thankfully. He said if I ever changed my mind, to let him know. I also told Will I would be his. He was happy. I was relieved…relieved that I didn’t lose him.
Will’s and my journey was definitely not dull. I learned A LOT in our relationship! Find out more in my next post…